
Sedimentary structure

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    _El objetivo general es la vigilancia medioambiental de la zona afectada por el dragado del puerto de Maó, mediante el seguimiento de variaciones en la granulometría, del contenido de carbono orgánico y contaminantes metálicos y orgánicos, en esa zona.

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    LASEA campain from project CGL2011-30302-C02 has the following objectives: Phase 1: Acquire bathymetric and seismic data from the gulf of Cadiz using acoustic echo sounders EM710, TOPAS and Sparker. Phase 2: Obtain sediment samples from the gulf of Cadiz and complementary bathymetric data.

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    During the ABRIC-3 cruise, the acquisition of high resolution bathymetries of the fishing grounds in Blanes and Palamós submarine canyons have been carried out using the ship hull multibeamm echosounder. Sediment cores have been obtained to determine the rates of sedimentation in the axes of the canyons. TOPAS seismic profiles were also collected crossing the canyon rims and flanks..

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    Development of underwater photogrammetry system for Marine Renewable Energy

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    The goals of this survey are framed within the educational activity of the Faculty of Marine Sciences ULPGC to give the possibility of a complete oceanographic study (Physical , Chemical , Biological and Geological Survey ) in the south of Gran Canaria students of Degree, Bachelor and Master , the convergence zone between the area and the trail of the island and the presence of permanent rotation south of it. Thus this survey will contribute to a comprehensive training for students in oceanographic study of an oceanic region may  Determine the structure of water bodies, the effects of convergence and divergence to the passage of the Canary Current across the channels between islands, mass transport , and nutrients.  Determine the distribution of chemical species , including oxygen and carbon dioxide system and quantify the transport of CO2 in the atmosphere-ocean study area , the effect of micro and mesoscale phenomena in their distribution.  To characterize the effect of the wake , turns and other mesoscale structures in the distribution of species of phytoplankton and zooplankton.

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    1. To obtain estimates of Nephrops burrows densities in the Gulf of Cádiz from a randomized isometric grid of UWTV stations spacing 4 nautical miles using the underwater images. 2. To define the Nephrops distribution in the Gulf of Cádiz 3. To obtain density estimates of megafauna species and the occurrence of trawl marks on the sea bed 4. To measure oceanographic variables using a sledge mounted CTD 5. To prospect circalittoral and bathyal areas witihout trawling activity 6. Sea bed morphological and backscatter analyses

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    Direct visual observation survey in order to improve the knowledge of marine bottoms in the Menorca Channel and Emile Baudot seamount. For that, the specific objectives are: 1. Improvement of the scientific knowledge for the physical, environmental and biological characterization of areas known to present high diversity of juveniles of European spiny lobster in the Menorca channel and 2. Start the biological characterization of benthic habitats in circalitoral and batyal bottoms in the Emile Baudot seamount.

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    MAO1407 Second survey of Mahón continental shelf. Before the dradge action of Mahón harbour a first survey using multibeam echosounder was conducted in january 2014 in order to the map the benthic habitats that could be affected. In this new survey the aim is to determinate the extension and impact that dradge debries has caused in the seabed using geophisical techniques. Multibeam echosounder and parametric subottom profailer had been used in the area. Data gatered will show the extend and thickness of dradge debries.

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    1.Prospeción baatimétrica y geofísica utilizando técnicas de ecosonda multihaz y sísmica de muy alta resolución paara llevar a cabo un estudio morfológico y estratigráfico detallado de la zona de estudio. 2.Muestreos de sedimento mediante draga box-corer para conocer las características texturales del sedimento y el bentos en estos fondos marinos. 3.Se efectúan pruebas de un sensor de sedimentos (LISST-ABS) acoplado al CTD SB25.

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    COL_MAERL.El objetivo del proyecto es evaluar el impacto acumulado de la pesca sobre los fondos de maërl comparando fondos impactados fuera de la reserva marina de las Islas Columbretes con fondos protegidos, durante más de dos décadas, dentro de la reserva. Este conocimiento informará del desarrollo de métodos de pesca que promuevan actividades sostenibles en el área de estudio. Por lo tanto, en esta campaña los objetivos principales son: 1)Obtener información sobre la distribución de los fondos de maërl en la zona de estudio, mediante observaciones puntuales con cámara sumergible (IPSE). 2)Comparar la composición de las especies indicadoras y estructurales de los fondos de maërl/rodolitos en cuanto a la composición de especies, morfotipos y tamaños. Para ello se realizarán muestreos del bentos mediante dragas. 3)Obtener índices de abundancia y demografía de langosta mediante vídeo cebado. Las tomas de video se llevaran a cabo en zonas con distintos niveles de protección, tanto en el interior de la reserva como en el entorno más cercano. 4) Analizar en detalle las muestras obtenidas con las dragas, con el fin de detectar cambios en la estructura de las comunidades algales y faunales de los fondos de maërl/rodolitos, comparando localidades en un gradiente de presión pesquera.